Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services

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Garden services logo Our Fresh Approach to Cleaning Services

You probably spend far too many hours each week on household chores. If you’re time-crunched and have always longed to ditch the duster to spend more time with the family, or catch up on your favourite shows, it may be time to hire some help. We offer a cleaning service that is unique to our professional and personal approach to home maintenance. Our service focuses on five core aspects that will leave your house fresh, your conscience clean, and your schedule free:

Garden services logo Our Fresh Approach to Cleaning Services

You probably spend far too many hours each week on household chores. If you’re time-crunched and have always longed to ditch the duster to spend more time with the family, or catch up on your favourite shows, it may be time to hire some help. We offer a cleaning service that is unique to our professional and personal approach to home maintenance. Our service focuses on five core aspects that will leave your house fresh, your conscience clean, and your schedule free:


House/Domestic cleaning

The home is a place to enjoy being in, and that means keeping a house that is clean, sanitary and free of clutter. Our service offers a comprehensive clean and tidy of all domestic areas in the home, including the kitchen, bathrooms, and living rooms, as well as miscellaneous areas like hallways and the laundry room.


Kitchen Cleaning

What use is a nice, big kitchen setup if you can’t even use it because it’s covered in a mess from dinners past? We will ensure that all grease, oil, meat scraps, and whatever that sticky thing is on the floor are cleaned to the utmost perfection. Get your preparation area back to its shiny new self each with each service.


Bathroom cleaning

The bathroom can be the most beautiful room in the house, but without proper cleaning, it can also become the most unpleasant. Nothing is worse than a filthy, grime-stained bathroom. That is, except for cleaning it. Our cleaning service also offers a full and complete spray and scrub of your bathroom, leaving it pristine and fresh, so you don’t have to.


Living Room Cleaning

The living room is for living. Don’t believe me? Then just look, it’s right there in the name. That’s why we understand your decision to leave it last on the cleaning list. But still, time is a vicious entity, and unwanted visitors like dust, grime, and food stains will make their way to your valued possessions all the same. Thankfully our cleaning service includes a complete vacuum and wipe of all living areas so that you can get back to the important things in life.


Environmentally friendly

Have pets or perhaps curious children that you want to look out for? Don’t worry. We take the same approach to cleaning as we do landscaping, ensuring that we only use products and methods that are completely safe and environmentally friendly.


1300 077 159