The Garden Cleanup - A Step by Step Guide for Beginners

The Garden Cleanup – A Step by Step Guide for Beginners

garden path lined with green shrubs and treesSo you’ve taken the time to create your own garden, but the work doesn’t end there. Maintaining a consistent garden cleanup schedule throughout the year is the only way to ensure your garden is looking its best. Each season brings about new tasks. Whether it be frostbitten branches or unruly grass, we’ve got you covered. In this guide you will find all the beginner necessities for the optimal garden tidy up.


Before you even begin pulling out your garden tools, you’ll want to develop a plan. Start by making a checklist of all the areas you feel need improvement. You should mark down approximate completion times and set goals for how you would like the cleaned area to present itself. After this you will want to ensure you have the appropriate tools to complete your work. Some typical items garden cleaners will need are gloves, clippers, a rake and a lawn mower. You’ll want to mark down expected prices for any new plant life you intend to incorporate into your garden. Keeping a list of prices will prevent you from going over budget as well as give you a reference for future touch ups. If you choose to use garden care services, it would be wise to track this amount as well.

Remove Debris

Now that you’ve formulated a plan it’s time to get your hands dirty. Check your garden for any trash that may be lurking around. You’d be surprised what goes unseen when you’re not paying attention. Investigate the corners of your yard, underneath tables, benches and any other large pieces that may need to be moved. From there, begin raking up any dead leaves, grass or weeds that you come across. You want your yard to be rid of all the things you don’t intend to nourish later on. So if it doesn’t belong in your yard go ahead and perform the necessary garden cleanup.


Outdoor table with wide brimmed hat, garden gloves and hand held prunersProper pruning is vital to encourage healthy growth within your garden. It’s best to prune once a year around late winter or early spring. This is the typical time that flowering plants are dormant and gain the best advantages from being trimmed. To achieve this, you’ll want to gather the right tools including clippers, loopers, and a pruning saw. Make sure these tools are sharp and clean enough to effectively get the job done. There are four ways you can cut when pruning. Pinching is simple and involves using your fingers to pluck out dead parts of your plants. The second cut is known as heading which is accomplished by cutting a farther on the plant, below the leaf. When shearing a plant, you are trying to round your shrubs out so that many more buds can produce. Lastly, thinning is done by removing full length branches that will allow for healthier growth.


Composting is great for the environment and helps to reduce waste. You can make your own compost using old fruits, grass, clippings and other organic matter that will decompose into fertiliser. Your garden will not only soak up the nutrients once you spread out the compost, but it will also help with keeping away pests. This can be done year-round as necessary.


Back yard with neatly trimmed hedges and green healthy grassA beautiful garden with an overgrown lawn is just not attractive. By effectively having a lawn maintenance schedule, you will improve the air, reduce erosion and trap carbon dioxide. A lawn mower is perfect for trimming down unsightly grass. You should do this about once a week or as needed. It’s also vital to give your grass a deep watering approximately two to three times per week. The goal is to hydrate your lawn with around one and a half inches of water.

Pest Control

There are many commercial products that will help you to rid your garden of pests. However, these insecticides are terrible for the earth and are not suggested for anyone trying to preserve our environment. Luckily, there are alternative methods for ridding pests that will not harm the environment. For instance, you can opt to place a cup of vegetable oil and a couple tablespoons of dish soap into a squirt bottle. Once you spread this concoction over the bugs it will block the pores from which they breathe.

New Plants

Additional plants will really make your garden pop. They can also provide housing to good insects that benefit it or provide shade for your family. Before placing these new growths you’ll first want to evaluate where adequate sunlight is among your yard. Plants tend to have different needs depending upon their species. It’s also important to check that your soil is in good condition to appropriately nourish them. You can use a pH strip to determine acidity or send a sample of your soil to be tested. A little research goes a long way as well. Try searching for native plants among your area. These types are more likely to thrive and really give your garden the beautiful look it deserves.

Miscellaneous Areas

Garden care is more than just keeping up with your flowers and lawn. Hard surfaces such as the patio or concrete should also be maintained. You can keep these areas free of stains by using a pressure washer. Try scrubbing your patio down, then rinsing with the pressure washer hose. If you have a deck you can opt to sweep and scrub the area instead. Additionally, you’ll want to investigate your fence for any broken posts and repaint if necessary.

Final Touch-Ups

To really make your garden shine, consider adding some extra elements. New lights, smaller fencing, stones, and other decorations are relatively cheap. Placing new mulch can be beneficial to the appearance of your garden too. The key to keeping your garden beautiful really comes down to one thing: maintenance. Don’t let your hard work go to waste. If you feel you won’t be able to appropriately keep up with your garden throughout the year, consider hiring garden maintenance services to do it for you. These garden cleaners should be knowledgeable in proper care and maintenance.

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