Right plant, for the right place
Image of a bee pollinating a colourful flower

Right plant, for the right place

Before landscape gardening became my full time passion and my career, gardening was a bit of pot luck for me. Actually there was no rhyme or reasoning to my planting strategy, I would simply purchase plants, plug them into the ground, water in and hope for the best (fingers crossed).  Needless to say my results in the garden were mixed, and I can attest that I have wasted a lot of money by planting wrong plants in the wrong location.

For many, choosing the ‘plant‘ is always the forethought whilst the planting location becomes the afterthought – this is the problem, assess the planting location first then choose your plants based on the location. Choosing ‘the right plant for the right place’ is a crucial step in the design process. Ignoring this rule can be an expensive mistake that  will render mixed results, may lead to poor plant growth and even death.

I have met with many clients who love <insert garden style here, contemporary, cottage, federation etc> gardens but their individual garden .  It is naturally cheaper to work with your garden conditions,

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So, where do I start with assessing my garden?

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