Tools for Beginner Gardeners

Tools for Beginner Gardeners

neatly maintained gardenIf you are new to gardening in Sydney, it is easy to go overboard purchasing tools. Not only can this mistake cost you a lot of money, but it can take up a lot of space. It is essential to stick to the basics. In doing so, you’ll prevent overcrowding in your shed. Buying the best quality tools with what your budget allows is optimal. Maintaining your garden tools will help them last for years and ensure you get the most return on your investment. With all that in mind, here are the top gardening tools for beginners.

Beginner Short-Handled Tools:

It’s essential you’re selecting the right tool to complete the job at hand. Regardless if it’s landscaping, hedge trimming or lawn care, having the correct tools on hand is essential. Purchasing tools can become addictive. However, these tools also must feel good in your hand. Think about how they’ll feel after several hours solid use maintaining and caring for your garden. When making your selections, hold them while you are in the store. Consider their weight and size. The larger the hand tool, the more it will weigh. It it weighs a lot, it will wear you out faster. Store short-handled tools in a gardening bag that can travel with you as you’re working.

Recommendations for beginner short-handled tools:

  • Hand pruner – this tool is optimal for harvesting and pruning leaves and branches
  • Hand rake – removing weeds, smoothing soil and turning over soil is much more comfortable with this hand tool
  • Garden scissors – precision, snipping and pruning are possible with sharp garden shears.
  • Weeder – if you are working with delicate areas in a garden or with tough weeds, this tool works best.

Beginner Long-Handled Tools:

When you’re selecting tools, it’s essential you’re looking at their handles. They should have wooden handles or handles with a metal coating. These types of handles provide strength and durability without becoming too heavy. Avoid Douglas fir and look for hickory or ash. The wood is strongest when the grain is close and tight. Store long-handled tools on peg racks to prevent their edges from becoming dull.

Recommendations for long-handled tools:

  • Bow rake – cleaning, levelling and smoothing soil of debris while garden landscaping becomes easier with this kind of rake
  • Digging bar – use this tool to remove tree roots or stumps that are bulky
  • Digging fork – lifting, loosening and turning soil is easier with this long-handled tool
  • Pruner – the long handles of this tool allow you to prune branches that are difficult to reach
  • Round-headed shovel – this shovel is excellent for just about every digging job in the garden
  • Transplant spade – the shape of this shovel makes transplanting a breeze

Everyday Gardening Essentials for Beginners:

Some believe these items are extravagant, but they’re not. Your hands, knees, and back will thank you in the long run. Gardening without everyday essentials is akin to working without a rake or shovel. Making these items a part of your arsenal from the beginning saves you time, money, and calluses.

Recommendations for everyday gardening essentials:

  • Gloves – purchasing gloves that are made from reinforced leather and have synthetic tips will last the longest and provide the best protection
  • Knee pads – you will be able to work on garden tasks longer and with the least amount of pain with knee protection
  • Water wand – watering plants that are out of reach is more comfortable with this device

Don’t Forget the Larger Gardening Itemsgarden maintenance

We’ve talked about the smaller items; now we’re going to dig into what larger tools are required for gardeners. Beginner gardeners will need a wheelbarrow. No matter if they are working hedging, pruning or working on lawn care tasks, a garden cart or wheelbarrow is necessary. Options include single wheel, no-tip designs and multi-wheel carts.

Why are wheelbarrows an important addition?

Garden maintenance tasks are simpler when you incorporate a wheelbarrow from the beginning. Add buckets and other containers to help aid with harvesting and watering. You can never have too many containers to handle these tasks.

Where to Find Gardening Tools for Beginners

No matter where you’re living in Sydney, it’s possible to complete your garden maintenance and lawn care tasks with the tools discussed here. It is possible to find these tools at garden centres, independent shops, home improvement centers, and supercenters. However, performing some initial research is essential. By doing this, you’re ensuring you are purchasing the highest quality tools for your gardening.

When making your selections, be sure to:

Avoid low-priced products – these tend to feature sub par materials and will either break or wear out quickly. Shopping for sales is okay, but it’s critical to avoid discount pricing.
  • Look for brands you trust – if you see a brand you don’t know, be wary. The quality of the tool may not be ideal.
  • Stay away from gimmicks – when you’re shopping around, sales people will try to entice you will add-on items you do not need.
  • Make a list – if you head to a store with a list ahead of time, you’re less likely to purchase items you don’t need or feel obliged to say ‘yes’ when sales people try to lure you into adding things to your purchase.

Your Gardening Tasks Simplified

Through the incorporation of these tools for beginner gardeners, it’s possible for your gardening tasks to become more simplified. Not only will these essential tools help you learn how to become a better gardener, but they’ll also help you save money and prevent your shed from becoming cluttered. Work on your garden maintenance tasks around the yard without having to worry about using the wrong tool or wasting time. Everything you’ll need will be on hand. As you become a more experienced gardener, you may find it necessary to purchase additional tools. However in the beginning it does not take much to get started. As you can see from the recommendations above, it doesn’t take much to store everything. For those who do not have a shed, making space in the basement or corner of a garage is all that is needed for keeping these tools out of the way.  

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